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Amazon service that allows you to control the virtual networking environment.


Main Website aws.amazon.com/vpc/
Experience Still learning, good online resources available but not necessarily newbie friendly. 


  • Prior to VPC, I had very little experience in networking and the related security concerns, so the learning curve was steeper with VPC than other AWS services.
  • There is a good selection of resources for learning about AWS in general but few are geared to true VPC newbies.
  • For newbies, understanding the role played by Route Tables vs NACLs vs Security Groups and how they all fit together may be a challenge.
  • I found the Udemy class "Learn Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)" by Simply Edukator helpful but it is a little dated (e.g. use of NAT instance vs NAT gateway). I would still recommend it for fellow newbies as it does walk through the process step-by-step and establishes some best practices.