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A PHPServer-side scripting language for web development. Dependency Injector library to support Inversion of Control design pattern.


Main Website
Version 1.4
Experience Automagical but it works.


  • The idea is to avoid creating objects inside of objects as that tightly couples them and makes it difficult to unit test them independently.
  • By using the Inversion of Control (IoC) design pattern the objects are passed into the constructor making it possible to create mock objects whose attributes and functions can be independently determined.
  • For example if object A referenced object B, IoC would allow a mocked version of B to be passed to A. If A used the results of B's isOpen function the mock of object B could be set to return true to test one branch of logic in A then set to false to test another without having to deal with the internal logic of B.
  • This allows the unit test to isolate the logic of a given class and focus exclusively on it.
  • I'd like to understand more about how it actually works. The documentation states that it "recursively instantiates class dependencies" the process by which it accomplished this is still a little mysterious.