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Amazon service for launching and managing relational databases.


Main Website aws.amazon.com/rds/
Experience Very Cool
Cost Relatively High but Reasonable


  • I've done a lot of work with relational databases so I found this service really easy to use.
  • If you've worked with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQLRelational database used to hold website content and search data., etc in the past the process of launching an instance and pointing your favorite tool at it is pretty easy.
  • The most challenging part might be setting up the connection but documentation is readily available.
  • This service has a relatively high cost when compared to other services. I've paid as much as $24 in a given month for an Oracle instance I used for exploring the new 12c features.
  • Where possible, using Amazon Aurora RDS Serverless can help significantly reduce costs.
  • Another issue I encountered with Oracle 12c on RDS is the inability to access the underlying server (i.e. no SSH to the backend). This is because RDS is an AWS managed service. Unfortunately, there are some features of Oracle that require access to files and directories on the server. Amazon has some built-in Oracle packages that help address some of these issues but there were still a number of features I was unable to use.