It has been a while since I worked on the site.  Distractions, competing interests, changes of focus and direction, external factors (aka life) pushed this on the back burner.  However, I remained interested in the site and have made my way back to it.

Project 7: Content EditorDevelopment of the code to support the editing of the site's content via an Editor page. was about developing an editor to manage the site content.  I got bogged down when I started to revise how the GUI should behave and was unhappy with the lack of structure around the JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. components.  I'm still looking for a JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. framework and have been experimenting with Angular but it feels like a lot of overhead for this project.  The plan is to revisit JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. organization along with automated testing techniques in an upcoming project after more scripts are created. 

In an upcoming project, I'll bite the bullet and deal with the Dev Ops workflow using AWS functionality.