
Development of the code to support the editing of the site's content via an Editor page.


Purpose Create code to allow site content to be created edited and saves to file and database.
  • Allow user to launch editor and view attributes (and content) of selected page.
  • Allow user to modify attributes of selected page.
  • Allow user to create new pages.
  • Allow user to save new pages or changes to existing pages to file (preserving the old version of the file in the archive folder).
  • Allow user to publish the content by saving to the site database.
  • Include loading the files to the database as part of the database migration.
  • Allow admins to export all content records in the database to files.
Technology JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. - TinyMCEA JavaScript WYSIWYG editor that can be embedded in a web page., ACEA Javascript stand-alone code editor that can be embedded in a web page., BeautifyA Javascript library that format and indent code to make it more readable.
Resources None


  1. Download Javascript Libraries

    • public/js/ace - creates a control that allows the raw HTML code to be viewed and edited.
    • public/js/beautify - beautifies raw HTML source text by adding appropriate indents and carriage returns, etc..
    • public/js/tinymce - creates a control that allows wysiwyg editing of contennt, i.e. it formats HTML so that it appears as it would in a browser
  2. Create Database Procedures

    • CONTENT_UPSERT - Accepts content attributes, if the record already exists in the FACT_CONTENT and there is a difference in one or more attribute the record is updated. If it does not exist the record is inserted into the table.
    • CONTENT_DELETE - Deletes the record for the given Id (used for testing).
  3. Modify Content Model Class

    App/Models/Content.php - Add upsert function to Content data model.

  4. Create Content Directories

    • Migration/content - Directory to hold json and html files that contain the current content data.
    • Migration/content/archive - Directory to hold older versions of the content files.
  5. Create Editor Controller Class

    App/Controllers/Editor.php - Create Editor controller to:

    • Read content in the json and html files into editor form.
    • Write the content in the editor form to json and html files.
    • Archive old version of files before writing the new version.
    • Upsert content to the database.
    • Write the content in the databse to files.
  6. Modify View Files

    • Views/Editor/index.html - Create page for form for editing content.
    • Views/Admin/index.html - Modify Admin page to add buttons to launch editor and to write all database contents to files.
    • Views/base.html - Modify base twig template to add quick link to Editor in footer.
    • Views/Project/show.html & Views/Post/show.html - Modify to add twig variables to activate Editor quick link in base footer.
  7. Create Javascript for Client Side Functionality

    public/js/tbd-editor.js - Includes client side behavior, such as initializing the formatted and code editor controls, submitting request, tracking changes, swapping between the formatted and code view.


Screenshot of Content Editor