Almost from the very beginning, it has been important to me to be able to use linking to make the information on the website more accessible.  Creating categories for projects, datasets, technologies, visualizations and the like is really helpful in terms of organization however it can also silo information making more difficult to see connections.  A particular technology might be introduced in one project, enhanced in another, applied to a number of datasets and discussed in a journal entry.  The buckets help to delineate different facets of a subject but it also fragments the information.

As the amount of data grows the more significant this issue becomes.  As a way to begin addressing the problem code was developed to automatically add hyperlinks to related pages based on keywords.  So if a page contained the word "BootstrapA framework that allows dynamic page layout that responses to the size of the screen." a link would automatically be added to the BootstrapA framework that allows dynamic page layout that responses to the size of the screen. technology page with a tooltip that showed the page's summary.


Automatic Link Example

An optional Related section was also added to the bottom of each detail page to allow links to be manually added.