A lot of time and consideration went into deciding on the hows and whats of the first sizeable JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. project.  Working with JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. can at times feel like trying to nail jello to a wall.  So much is permissible.  There is no typing, objects can be created on the fly without a class, JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. will happily create any or all variables as global and code will die quietly in the background without raising a fuss.

It can almost do many things taken for granted in other languages.  It can do private methods and properties but achieving this is cumbersome.  It can define classes and use prototype inheritance but has no built-in mechanism to include dependencies.  Since the language is so accessible and easy to learn, examples are readily available using many different approaches and of widely varying quality.

My first instinct was to use a framework and I looked into Angular, ReactJavaScript library for building interactive applications from reusable components. and Backbone.  A framework will come into play on later projects but for now, I thought it was important to attempt to face JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive. head on and since I have an interest in SVG, creating a module for graph generation seemed like a fun way to get started.

Why not use an existing library like D3?  Excellent question!  In the long run, I expect I will (the D3 website is gorgeous by the way).  I've experimented with D3 some in the past but for now, I've abandoned it along with JQueryA Javascript library to make working with the DOM, event handling and AJAX easier. in order to get familiar with pure JavaScriptA language that can run in the browser to make websites interactive..