Basic Idea
This website is being created to learn about and experiment with cloud and web technologies. Initial projects focus on establishing the website's foundation and infrasturcture while later projects will use publicly available datasets to apply these technologies to data analysis and visualization.
Recent Activity
Cache Busting & Data Store
Avoiding Stale Browser Files and Improving Site Performance - Create a cache busting feature to ease deployment and testing, and create a local data store to hold database content on the web server. -
Dataset Editor
Using React and Redux with JavaScript - Create a dataset editor using a JavaScript framework with React and Redux to simplify the development of interactive components. -
JavaScript Revisited
JavaScript Framework, et al. - Establishing a framework for JavaScript development, setting up AWS infrastructure and rethinking the login process. -
Software Environment
Applications that Support Website - An overview of the applications and tools used to create the development and production environments of the website. -
Google SignIn
Google API for Website Sign-In - JavaScript and PHP libraries to integrate Google sign-in into the website. -
JavaScript Library for Managing State - A predictable application state container for JavaScript applications. -
JavaScript Library for Building User Interfaces - JavaScript library for building interactive applications from reusable components. -
JavaScript Compiler - A library that converts modern JavaScript syntax into a backward compatible version for use in older browsers. -
JavaScript Module Bundler - Webpack transforms and bundles JavaScript classes into modules for use in a browser.