Hospital Contact Network Icon


Estimating Potential Infection Transmission Routes in Hospital Wards Using Wearable Proximity Sensors


Source SocioPatterns - Hospital Ward Dynamic Contact Network
Size Small - 1 file, 32,424 reords, 5 columns, 800 KB
Resources Original Paper: Vanhems, Barrat, Cattuto, Pinton, Khanafer, Régis, Kim, Comte, Voirin. 2013. Estimating Potential Infection Transmission Routes in Hospital Wards Using Wearable Proximity Sensors (link)
Description The dataset contains the contacts between patients and healthcare providers in a hospital ward during a 5-day period in 2010. This data was collected electronically in 20 second increments by sensors worn by all participants. A record was created for each pair of participants within 1.5 meters of each other. The objective of the data is to give insight into transmission for hospital acquired diseases.

Data Structure

  • Seconds - An integer representing the number of seconds since the start of the experiment where 0 is December 6th, 2010 at 1:00 pm.
  • Person Id 1 - A 4-digit number representing a patient or member of staff.
  • Person Id 2 - A 4-digit number representing a patient or member of staff.
  • Role of Person 1 - A 3-character code (ADM - Administrator, NUR - Nurse, MED - Physician, PAT - Patient)
  • Role of Person 2 - A 3-character code (as above)


  1. Aggregate by Role

    Simply aggregating the contacts by roles reveals that nurses are involved the lion's share of contacts and have more contact with each other than any other group.
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